Timberland and Missy

Are both releasing albums in June this year, Timberland is quoted as saying that the aim is to release their videos and singles at the same to "do it as a movement" ^_____^

I R very excite for this. Last year I basically ignored everything that was released music wise, mainstream music doesn't have to be boring but in my opinion it all took a steady decline in 2011. Overall it was either really braindead (see Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj and their companyons), or really 'soulful' 'good' music (see Adele and Jessie J, both of which took a train in from snoozeville and proceeded to brainwash the masses). It was also the year mainstream music abused my beloved Dance genre, obviously there were a few anomalies here and there but ultimately they didn't get much chart love.

EN EE WAY. It is only February and already i've been impressed with what the music industry wants to offer me and now this new info is the icing on top of the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake. It'll be cool to have some interesting stuff in the charts again, do you remember when Miss Demeanor and Timbo were running thangs? Let me remind you.


I'll stop here before I do their whole discography, but you get the picture. Can they top this?

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