So I probably should have/could have created this post a lot earlier than this ... but procrastination mixed with uncertainty is an amazing aid for unproductivity (why not try it sometime?), however, here is my 'hey i've moved to Amsterdam and this is what i've learnt so far' generic blog post.
Spoiler alert: haven't learnt much
Okay that's a lie, but also one of the biggest things I've learnt since moving here is: you can change your surroundings, your profession and country but if you're not consciously changing yourself too, things will more or less stay the same.
In May, after a few months of planning and saving, my boyfriend and I packed up two full suitcases each (with one suitcase each also being sent to us by post), and we moved our butts to Amsterdam. A city which provokes many raised eyebrows and 'knowing' smiles when asked about our 'plans' – because yes, weed and prostitution are my two major callings in life. Long story short: visited a few years ago, fell in love with the city, decided to move there. Here I iz.
I mentioned uncertainty earlier and this is because I know that if you're looking for that travel noire/chakras in-line/moment of clarity/eatpraylove type of blog post - then this is not where it's at. Truthfully I don't feel too changed as a person so far and I think the hesitation to write about moving has been about the expectation of what this post is supposed to look like (ain't no Julia Roberts bihhh).
One of my personal goals or ideals that I had in my head before I moved here was that I would get back in touch with my creative side. I felt that in London I had pushed it to the side after starting my office role, I was working in digital marketing and content and was generally despising life. In Amsterdam, I decided I wanted out of the office big time and I wanted a really easy (preferably part-time) role that would allow for me to fully concentrate on writing freelance.
...Yes I imagined strolling alongside canals, inspiration smacking me upside the head left, right and centre ... HA! Sure, the first jobless month and a half was exactly like this, then I started training and working at my new job and these last few months have been such a whirlwind that I'm only just starting to focus on myself again. Don't get me wrong, I actually really love the company I work for now and the people I work with and for, but having another full-time role so early on in my experience here has definitely led me on a bit of a detour.
So, no. After four months of being here I haven't 'found myself' or become a meditating, one with the universe, ninja boss either (genuine goals). However, there are a few tinsy tiny things that I've picked up on so far:
Yup, I actually miss them a little bit. I come from a big family and I was really looking forward to the amount of alone time Amsterdam would bring. Not gonna lie, I do have a touch of hermit about me and the alone time is amazing, BUT! So far my auntie, my bro and my cousin/sisters have all made individual trips to see me, and each time always makes me realise I could never live here forever away from my famalam.
Some have made an effort to stay in touch, others haven't. You do start to see the people who were only around out of convenience rather than an actual need to have them in your life. I've got to admit that I don't feel too negative about this, for obvious reasons and also just because, that's life!Personal Growth
"I'm a changed man, look at the range man." A new me is not going to magically appear, while I do feel a little more confident and comfortable with myself ... I have mostly kept all niggly habits that I was hoping would vanish after making it through customs. I'm still able to procrastinate like a pro, working out three times a week and eating clean... has also not happened etc. A part of me had hoped that moving countries would immediately create a shift in me but I'm realising it won't suddenly happen just because I have a different walk to work now (soon to be bike ride yawl). I'm okay with that.
To round this off, when I was asked what I was going to do here before I moved, I would generally say 'go with the flow', and I guess so far that's exactly what I've been doing. But can you go with the flow and still maintain control over the general direction? For the next few months i'm definitely going to try to.
Until next tahm.
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